Bella gave us quite the scare this morning. To begin with, she didn't sleep AT ALL last night... and she usually sleeps the entire night without waking us up. She kept getting up, whining, groaning and scratching at the door like she needed to go out, so Jimmy got up and took her out a couple times. Then Jimmy got up in the morning before I did, and when I got up Jimmy and Bella were on the couch, and I went to say good morning to Bella and picked her up to kiss her. She whined and bit at my hand like she didn't want me to bother her, which is really unlike her. Jimmy said "be careful with her, she is injured or something. She has been shaking and whining all morning." So I just kind of watched her, and every time I tried to pet her on her right side she would shake and whine. I was afraid it had something to do with the macadamia nut I dropped last night and she ate (macadamia nuts can be toxic in dogs). So I tried to get Jimmy to let me take her to the pet ER and he wouldn't. A few minutes later he went to say bye to her before he went running and he was laying on the floor trying to play with her when he stopped and called me over, "Rach, come look at this. What do you think this is?" I got down on the floor and saw what he was pointing at... a golf-ball-sized swollen mass on her right side on her ribcage. At that point I insisted we go to the ER and he agreed.
$250 later... we discovered she was have an allergic reaction to vaccines she got last Saturday. It had caused swelling from her back that was slowly trickling down and collecting in a ball by her rib cage on her right side. I put a picture below, but I just took this. It was MUCH larger this morning. Anyway, they gave her a shot of antihistamine and sent her home with pain killers and anti-inflammatory pills. She is lucky she is cute, because she costs a lot!! My poor baby!

And I am just adding this picture because she is so darn cute!