I haven't posted a new blog in forever. I'm not even sure where to begin. I just finished OB nursing. Got an A in the class (a 97!!) which I am very happy about. I only have two more classes until I graduate... two!!! Can you believe it? I will be in pediatric nursing the next 8 weeks (finishing right before Christmas break) and then in the Spring, starting in January, I will begin a 12-week class for Adult Health 2 (aka, medical-surgical nursing part 2). Then the very last thing we do is "role transformation" which I don't count as a class because basically it's 3 weeks of being a nurse, but you are shadowing another nurse. You have to do three 12-hour shifts per week, including two shifts that are over night (yikes!). I can't begin to express how happy I will be when they hand me that degree on stage on April 27th, 2010!! I will finally be an R.N. like I always wanted to be.
In other news, my mom had a hysterectomy exactly three weeks ago. She had a very large fibroid in her uterus that was causing her a lot of problems so they opted for a hysterectomy. She was very nervous about it beforehand but is glad she had it done and is feeling much better. They left her ovaries in so she won't have any hormonal problems until she goes through menopause.
An update on baby making... I'm not pregnant yet, but my last cycle of medicine was a success in that it made me ovulate. I was so excited... I think my level of excitement was similar to what it will be when I find out I am pregnant. So I just started my next cycle with this medicine, and am coupling it with a very expensive fertility monitor. I hope it works this first month, but at the same time... it would be weird to have spent so much money on something I only used once, you know? I won't complain though!
We painted our family room and kitchen this past weekend. The family room is basically the same color, but the paint that was there had a shiny, metallic finish that didn't turn out right and I have been wanting to paint it ever since. The kitchen, however, is a different color. I was tired of the pink and there were a couple areas where we tried to color match the paint and do some touch ups, but it ended up not being the same color and looked really bad. I will post pictures later.
In sad news, a 7-year-old little girl went missing after school on Monday here in Jacksonville. She had an argument with a friend and stormed off, and never did make it home, so people were searching, cops and FBI were involved... an Amber Alert was issued. Yesterday afternoon around 4:00pm they found the body of a small white female child in a landfill in Georgia where our trash is dumped. They confirmed this morning that it was the little girl's body. The part of Jacksonville where she went missing is VERY close, within a couple miles, of where my niece lives, who is also 7. The story just breaks my heart and makes me fear for Makenna's safety. You just can't keep a close enough eye on children these days. I am sad that my children won't be allowed to play outside alone from dawn 'til dusk like I was able to do when I was growing up. Childhood just won't be the same for the new generations of children thanks to this sick world.
That is about all for now. I am going to a concert in Orlando this weekend with my best friend Kelli. I am so excited!!
Take care!