I feel HUGE this week. I mean, this baby has definitely grown!
How far along? 28 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 25 lbs. from pre-pregnancy - jeez
Maternity clothes? All the time now
Sleep: Good, unless I fall asleep on the couch when I get home and wake up at 9:00pm. Then it is hard to fall back to sleep and stay asleep.
Best moment this week: Watching my belly move as though Lauryn is trying to escape. She has been very active lately. One night (last week I think) I saw a foot pressed against my belly and it was like she was stretching and locking her knee, because I would press back and couldn't get it to go down, lol. It was weird!
Movement: See above, lol
Food cravings: Chicken sandwiches... either from The Loop, from Chic-Fil-A or from the bistro where I work.
Gender: Baby girl!
Labor Signs: No, although something new as of this past weekend has been Braxton Hicks contractions. It concerned me so much at first that I almost went to the hospital. It was like menstrual cramps, but with tightening. Turns out Lauryn was getting into the head-down position, according to the midwife at my doctor's office.
Belly Button in or out? Surprisingly not all the way out yet, but getting there!
What I miss: A back that doesn't ache 24/7 and my skinny little ankles that I always got comments on... "look at your TINY ankles!" I have so much swelling after a long day at work!
What I am looking forward to: Meeting our little girl in 9 to 12 weeks!
Weekly Wisdom: "You're not huge, you're pregnant" - thank you dear friend Sarah! lol
Milestones: Being in my THIRD trimester! So exciting!