I can't believe I am 36 weeks / 9 months pregnant already! Where has time gone?

How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 33 lbs. from pre-pregnancy
Maternity clothes? All the time now
Sleep: Sleep has gotten better, although I still wake up to pee several times throughout the night... so maybe I am just used to NOT sleeping?
Best moment this week: Sitting on the couch with my dad, feeling Lauryn moving and saying "hey dad, look!" and right after he looked over, Lauryn moved a foot or elbow (not sure what it was!) from the top of my belly all the way down. My dad's eyes got big and he said "Holy cow! What was that!" It was funny.
Movement: Alllllll the time, whether I am trying to sleep or not. According to the doctor today, she is head down with her back along my left side and her feet up in my right ribcage... makes sense, because my right ribcage is very sore, lol.
Food cravings: NOthing. I haven't been too into food. I just eat because I know I have to. I am the weirdest pregnant girl!
Gender: Baby girl!
Labor Signs: Who knows. I thought I was in labor the other night because I was getting stomach tightening and cramping at regular 8 minute intervals, and then it went down to every 6 minutes. I was afraid to go to sleep, but figured if I was in labor I would wake up in pain and know it was time to go to the hospital!
Belly Button in or out? Still not all the way out yet! I am starting to doubt that it will be all the way out.
What I miss: Cuddling with my husband at night without a basketball in between us, lol. That isn't all I miss when it comes to my husband... if you know what I mean ;o)
What I am looking forward to: Meeting our little girl in 4 weeks or less! (The doctor told us today that since I am controlling my sugars so well and that my blood pressure and everything is normal, she will let me go into labor on my own instead of inducing, although she still won't let me go past 40 weeks... thank God).
Weekly Wisdom: No weekly wisdom this week either.
Milestones: Being 9 months pregnant!