About Lauryn:
She weighs about 21lbs now and is probably 29" by now (she was 28.5" at her 6-month check-up). She is a big baby!
She is sitting up.
She is crawling.
She is pulling up on things.
She is sideways walking while holding onto things.
She is crawling/climbing on anything she can.
Her favorite thing to do is crawl to the dogs' water bowl and splash around. She does this in the blink of an eye, before we can catch her. This is daddy's favorite, lol.
She is smiling and laughing all the time.
She loves playing games with mommy and daddy, such as taking a teething toy and trying to put it in our mouth, then taking it away and smiling, and repeat.
She is talking (in her own baby language)
She is whispering (in her own baby language)
Words she can say: dada, mama, nana (for my mom), ba (bella, our dog), do (pronounced "dough") (dog), and I swear every once in a while she says hi.
She sleeps from 8:30pm to about 8:00am or 8:30am. Every now and then she will sleep in until 9:00am. I can't remember the last time she woke up in the middle of the night... it has been a very long time (knock on wood).
She takes one good nap around 11:00am and sometimes another nap in the afternoon, especially if she goes swimming.
When she wakes up in the morning, she is usually just talking to herself, rarely crying. However, when she wakes up from naps, she cries. I assume it's because she realizes she spent time napping when she could have been exploring.
She will NOT let anyone hold her like a baby (i.e., in the laying down, snugly position) unless she is drinking a bottle. Once the bottle is empty, she is fighting to sit back up.
She loves to "flick" everything. By flick, I mean take four fingers and brush things back and fourth. It's really cute, and one of my and Jimmy's favorite things she does.
She LOVES our Jack Russels. I mean she seriously lights up when they are around, and gets excited when she hears their nails on the wood floors, because she knows they are coming. So cute.
She LOVES her daddy. I mean, I get smiles, but Jimmy gets BEAMING smiles.
Lauryn has her two bottom teeth now (finally).
She eats stage II solids and some homemade food that mommy makes her. She also likes 'lil crunchies, and it's adorable to hear her crunching away on them.
She watches us intently when we eat, like she wants what we are eating, haha.
Lauryn does so much more that would take forever to post on here, but those are the highlights!
She continues to light up our world, and amazes me each day!
I love you, Lauryn!