Now, don't get me wrong, I am super stoked that I married a man who wants to do a prestigious job that will make a lot of money. Not to mention he will be very good at it. He is a political nerd and loves to read. He attempted to be a cop last year, but due to budget cuts they cut him out of the academy. So, I honestly think being a lawyer will suit him. I just wish it wasn't so expensive... and I wish it wasn't 3 years long.
The other change happened in June... I started a new job. Better pay, closer to home, better management... and NO traveling! I love it so far, although it can be highly stressful at times. They expect a lot from their nurses, and I think we are understaffed there, but there is nothing I can do about it.
Another change is that my mom decided to go back to work. Perfect timing, since she was watching Lauryn for us. This didn't complicate things at all.... not. Luckily, it appears as though we will only need a sitter once a week for 4 hours. I pray this works out, because otherwise, nanny = more money that we don't have.
My most favorite change: we now only have one dog! We surrendered Cici to the Humane Society and she was adopted 4 days later. I couldn't handle her messes anymore. She sheds a LOT and never could get the hang of potty training. She was also extremely hyper and would jump up on you and nip at you when she was excited. We always had to crate her when guests came over because no one could stand her. As adorable as she was, she wasn't meant for us. My house is much more peaceful and clean now! And our other dog, Bella, seems 100% happier, too.
And last but not least, our little Lauryn is going to be walking any day now. She will walk while holding onto her walker toy, and she pulls up on everything and stands one-handed. She has stood by herself twice now, for about 5-10 seconds at a time (usually until I start screaming, at which time she startles and sits down).
Oh, and Lauryn's 9-month stats:
29in long (92%)
22lbs (92%)
18in head circ. (91%)
Wears anywhere from 12mos. to 24mos. in clothes.