I must first point out that I had this nice post typed out, and then Firefox crashed. Arrghh!
Anyway, I can't believe it has been 10 days since my last blog post. I swear I JUST updated it! That just goes to show how fast time flies. I was telling Jimmy at dinner tonight how it feels like just yesterday that I was 7 weeks pregnant and thinking to myself "man, it will be so cool to be 20 weeks pregnant... I'll be half-way there! But 20 weeks is sooooo far away." and here I am, nearly 22 weeks pregnant. I told Jimmy, "these next 15 to 18 weeks are going to fly by. We pretty much have a baby." I think I freaked him out a little, lol.
Today was such a nice day. It started out lazy. We slept in until 8:00, and then Lauryn (the baby in my belly, lol) and I decided we needed a nap at 9:30. We slept until 11:30. Then Jimmy and I watched TV and played cards (I won). Then I finally got my lazy butt in the shower and we went to the new mall because I needed to get my wedding ring re-sized. My hands and feet have been swelling because of the heat and pregnancy. I was concerned with it at first, but my doctor told me last week that I am fine and need to stop worrying about everything (more on that later). I thought for sure I wouldn't get my ring back for a day or two, but they told us it would only take a couple of hours, so we decided to just eat dinner (it was nearly 5:00) and walk around a little. We went into Pottery Barn Baby for the first time and absolutely fell in love with some crib bedding they had. I was especially in love with it because Jimmy loved it, too. He doesn't like the bedding I had picked out from Land of Nod. So, since this bedding was on special, we decided to buy it (pictures below). It's the first baby item we have bought (aside from a couple outfits) so I am super excited. I am also excited because now we can start decorating the nursery. My mom is going to buy our crib and changing table (pictures below) next week. We just need to get the bed and desk out of the guest room (we are going to use the tall dresser, night stand and the armoire) and pick a paint color. We will be getting the carpet cleaned in October, although it really doesn't need it. We have done a good job of keeping the dogs out of that room... they have yet to pee or poop in there. But my OCD self wants to get the carpet cleaned anyway.
Ok, so about my doctor's appointment. It was a regularly scheduled prenatal visit. I had a couple concerns though... I determined a couple weeks ago that the rib-icking I was feeling so much at night was not rib-kicking at all... it was actually heart fluttering/palpitations that would leave me quite breathless. Since I have had heart issues in the past, I started to really worry. I googled like crazy and found differing opinions... some said heart palpitations in pregnancy are completely normal due to the increased blood supply causing extra demand on the heart... and some said it wasn't normal. So I asked my doctor about it last week and she said as long as it isn't accompanied by chest pain and as along as it doesn't happen a lot then I am fine, but if I became concerned about it she would happily refer me to a cardiologist. It has gotten a lot better because I took it upon myself to cut back on caffeine (which I had been drinking a lot of to keep my headaches at bay). Anyway, I don't see it as a problem right now, but will keep my eye on it.
Lastly, here are some pictures taken with our new camera (except the ones of the crib and changing table... those are from a website, lol):

Bedding. The skirt is on the bottom, sheets in the middle, bumper at the top and quilt on the right.

Close-up of the birdies on the quilt. So cute!

Crib we are getting. It turns into a toddler bed and then a full-sized bed.

Changing table we are getting.

Picture of the art niche in our house taken with our new camera. It's our engagement picture and then below that is a photo thing with a poem and an ultrasound picture of our baby. And then a married couple dancing :o)

And our family room taken with the new camera. The colors are more true than in previous pictures taken with our old camera. We love our new camera!