Belly button starting to pop (not that you know what it looked like before, lol) and the faint dark line that is appearing.

I have nothing to write about. Nothing new and exciting is happening. I figure I will start the surveys again (probably every 4 weeks) since I am getting to the point where there will actually be rapid changes. So here it goes.
How far along? 20 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 14 lbs. from pre-pregnancy (this sounds like a lot to me, but apparently it is average, so I won't worry too much)
Maternity clothes? Pretty much exclusively now. My neighbor-friend gave me all of her maternity clothes... so much cute stuff!
Sleep: Sleep is good. I haven't had to get up to pee for the past couple of nights, although I have been getting woken up by the baby kicking my ribs (the ticker above is totally true!)
Best moment this week: I guess feeling a firm kick in the ribs. It was weird.
Movement: Lots! I feel the baby about 10 times each day now, sometimes more. I feel her the most at night when I lay on my right side with my knees up. She doesn't like that position apparently... but of course I do it anyway just to feel her move, lol. We can't feel movements from the outside yet, much to Jimmy's dismay.
Food cravings: I usually need one sweet thing each day in the afternoon. Other than that, nothing really.
Gender: Little girl!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? It's starting to pop out. I will have to take a picture soon. I'm also getting one of those dark lines down the middle of my stomach. It's really light right now, but I know it will get darker.
What I miss: Being able to get off the couch, out of my car, out of bed, etc. with ease. My center of gravity is off and this extra weight is getting to me!
What I am looking forward to: Ordering our baby furniture in a couple weeks! Thank you mommy and daddy!
Weekly Wisdom: If you are going to get stretch marks, cocoa butter won't work (note: no stretch marks yet!)
Milestones: Being HALFWAY THERE!!!!
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