Sunday, September 11, 2011
A bad day that could have been a lot worse
I think all the time about how lucky I am to still be here. You hear of tragedies every day... people who don't make it to work, people who don't make it home, whether it be at the hands of a murderer, or in a car accident, or a massive heart attack. Life is precious.
Last Thursday, I had a close call. It made the words of the distraught mother on one of the flights on 9/11 even more unsettling. My husband and I were driving to have lunch, on a beautiful crisp fall day, when our car came to a complete and sudden stop and there was an "explosion" which I realized 5 seconds later was the sound of our car hitting another car and our airbags deploying. Then I smelled fire and gasoline. After I got over the initial shock of the situation and the pain I felt on the right side of my face, I realized we had been in a car accident. I heard my husband yelling my name, and I yelled his name back. I unbuckled, and tried the door, but it was jammed. In those moments I was terrified. I thought I was going to burn to death in our car. A million things went through my mind. I think now about the people of 9/11. The ones in the planes that KNEW they were about to die. The ones stuck in the towers who KNEW they were going to die. The ones who had no other choice but to jump out a window on the 93rd floor, KNOWING they were jumping to their death. I tried the door again and got out, and ran around to the passenger door where my husband had finally gotten out. His door hadn't worked either. We ran from the car, seriously thinking it would explode (we later were laughed at by the firefighters. Apparently cars don't explode anymore because of new technology). Our brand new 2011 Chevy Equinox was totaled, I couldn't see out of my right eye from the airbag and had to go via ambulance to the ER... and this was all thanks to a man who was too impatient to wait for us to pass before trying to turn into a bank parking lot from the other side of the road. I wasn't mad then, because I was hurt and scared and confused, but I am mad now. He is so lucky our beautiful 10 month old daughter wasn't in the car with us, because I would have gone crazy on him.
The words of the mother echo in my ear, and I am so thankful that, at least for today, I made it home to my daughter. I am so thankful that God has granted me another day. It's not a promise for tomorrow, but I am thankful for today.
So, another 9/11 tribute day has come and gone.. and we should all be thankful we were here to see it.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Now, don't get me wrong, I am super stoked that I married a man who wants to do a prestigious job that will make a lot of money. Not to mention he will be very good at it. He is a political nerd and loves to read. He attempted to be a cop last year, but due to budget cuts they cut him out of the academy. So, I honestly think being a lawyer will suit him. I just wish it wasn't so expensive... and I wish it wasn't 3 years long.
The other change happened in June... I started a new job. Better pay, closer to home, better management... and NO traveling! I love it so far, although it can be highly stressful at times. They expect a lot from their nurses, and I think we are understaffed there, but there is nothing I can do about it.
Another change is that my mom decided to go back to work. Perfect timing, since she was watching Lauryn for us. This didn't complicate things at all.... not. Luckily, it appears as though we will only need a sitter once a week for 4 hours. I pray this works out, because otherwise, nanny = more money that we don't have.
My most favorite change: we now only have one dog! We surrendered Cici to the Humane Society and she was adopted 4 days later. I couldn't handle her messes anymore. She sheds a LOT and never could get the hang of potty training. She was also extremely hyper and would jump up on you and nip at you when she was excited. We always had to crate her when guests came over because no one could stand her. As adorable as she was, she wasn't meant for us. My house is much more peaceful and clean now! And our other dog, Bella, seems 100% happier, too.
And last but not least, our little Lauryn is going to be walking any day now. She will walk while holding onto her walker toy, and she pulls up on everything and stands one-handed. She has stood by herself twice now, for about 5-10 seconds at a time (usually until I start screaming, at which time she startles and sits down).
Oh, and Lauryn's 9-month stats:
29in long (92%)
22lbs (92%)
18in head circ. (91%)
Wears anywhere from 12mos. to 24mos. in clothes.

Sunday, June 26, 2011
8 months old
About Lauryn:
She weighs about 21lbs now and is probably 29" by now (she was 28.5" at her 6-month check-up). She is a big baby!
She is sitting up.
She is crawling.
She is pulling up on things.
She is sideways walking while holding onto things.
She is crawling/climbing on anything she can.
Her favorite thing to do is crawl to the dogs' water bowl and splash around. She does this in the blink of an eye, before we can catch her. This is daddy's favorite, lol.
She is smiling and laughing all the time.
She loves playing games with mommy and daddy, such as taking a teething toy and trying to put it in our mouth, then taking it away and smiling, and repeat.
She is talking (in her own baby language)
She is whispering (in her own baby language)
Words she can say: dada, mama, nana (for my mom), ba (bella, our dog), do (pronounced "dough") (dog), and I swear every once in a while she says hi.
She sleeps from 8:30pm to about 8:00am or 8:30am. Every now and then she will sleep in until 9:00am. I can't remember the last time she woke up in the middle of the night... it has been a very long time (knock on wood).
She takes one good nap around 11:00am and sometimes another nap in the afternoon, especially if she goes swimming.
When she wakes up in the morning, she is usually just talking to herself, rarely crying. However, when she wakes up from naps, she cries. I assume it's because she realizes she spent time napping when she could have been exploring.
She will NOT let anyone hold her like a baby (i.e., in the laying down, snugly position) unless she is drinking a bottle. Once the bottle is empty, she is fighting to sit back up.
She loves to "flick" everything. By flick, I mean take four fingers and brush things back and fourth. It's really cute, and one of my and Jimmy's favorite things she does.
She LOVES our Jack Russels. I mean she seriously lights up when they are around, and gets excited when she hears their nails on the wood floors, because she knows they are coming. So cute.
She LOVES her daddy. I mean, I get smiles, but Jimmy gets BEAMING smiles.
Lauryn has her two bottom teeth now (finally).
She eats stage II solids and some homemade food that mommy makes her. She also likes 'lil crunchies, and it's adorable to hear her crunching away on them.
She watches us intently when we eat, like she wants what we are eating, haha.
Lauryn does so much more that would take forever to post on here, but those are the highlights!
She continues to light up our world, and amazes me each day!
I love you, Lauryn!

Thursday, April 14, 2011
6 months old
I am loving this age so much. She is so playful and smiley all the time, and has been trying to talk. So funny! And she is ALMOST crawling. This is such an awesome age.
Here is my 6-month old baby:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Poem for my Lauryn
Your pretty face,
Your perfect hands,
With lines that make a map,
To all the places you will go,
And all the people you will know.
Your big blue eyes,
Your button nose,
With soft breaths, in and out,
You're dreaming now,
And when you wake,
I will love you even more.
Your soft blond hair,
Barely there,
Your chubby arms and legs,
What I wouldn't give,
To make you live,
A life free of hurt and heartache.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
New blog design
ABCs of me!
A fun post another blog I read had:
(A) Age: 25, but I will be 26 in a little over 1 month. Yikes! Closer to 30 than 20.
(B) Bed Size: King
(C) Chore You Hate: Doing the dishes!
(D) Dogs? Yes, two to be exact. Two crazy Jack Russells. Apparently the first one wasn't crazy enough, we had to get another.
(E) Essential Start Your Day Item: It depends on the day of the week or if I am working. If it's a day I don't work, sleeping in is essential. But I guess if I had to generalize it, it would be seeing my baby's face :o)
(F) Favorite Color: Lavender.
(G) Gold or Silver? Silver
(H) Height: 5’4"
(I) Instruments You Play: None :o(
(J) Job Title: Registered Nurse, or if you want to be specific to my current job, Field Nurse (I work for a home health agency)
(K) Kids: Lauryn Irene who is 4 months old :o)
(L) Live: Florida
(M) Mom’s Name: Nancy
(N) Nicknames: Rachel Baby
(O) Overnight Hospital Stays? Yep, two of them: one for food poisoning in November of 2008 and one in October of 2010 for giving birth!
(P) Pet Peeves: I have so many, where to start, where to start, lol. I can't stand people who talk nonstop about something that the other person is clearly not interested in. I will just list that one for time-sake, lol.
(Q) Quote from a Movie: Marley & Me: "A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water log stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if your rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?"
(R) Right or Left Handed? Right.
(S) Siblings: Two older sisters, Erika (27) and Heather (30), and one older brother, Jeff (35)
(T) Time You Wake Up? Most days around 8:00am, but it could vary depending on the day of the week, plans for that day, and Lauryn.
(U) Underwear: I'm not sure what this one is asking... but yes, I wear underwear, lol. Certainly not the fanciest thing I wear. I wish I could afford to keep up with sexy underwear, but alas, I have had a baby, so that period of my life is over I think (sorry Jimmy!). Who wants to see a big, post-pregnancy butt in sexy underwear anyhow?
(V) Vegetable You Dislike: Peas. YUCK!
(W) What Makes You Run Late: Laziness, and occasionally Lauryn. Also, my husband tends to make us run late every now and then because he stands in the shower and sings while enjoying the hot water instead of hurrying up and getting ready. (I love you Jimmy, lol)
(X) X-Rays You’ve Had Done: Oh lord, tons. I've had regular x-rays of bones that were thought to be broken. I've had CT scans (when I had food poisoning one year and they thought it was gallbladder) and of course ultrasounds when I was pregnant!
(Y) Yummy Food You Make: Several things: deep dish pizza, herb chicken pasta (Jimmy's favorite), spaghetti, etc. etc.
(Z) Zoo, Favorite Animal: Any baby animal, I won't be picky :o) Although the anteaters are neat, too.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
I am a bad mommy! LATE 4 month letter :o)
Dear Lauryn,
WOW is all I have to say about how much you have changed over the past few weeks. You went from being a tiny infant to being a "real baby" as I call it. You flail your arms and kick your feet when you are excited. You smile all the time and "talk" to yourself or whoever will listen. You don't let me hold you like a baby anymore, you are only happy if I am holding you facing out so that you can see everything. You are so curious already, and I love that about you. You are SO energetic, too. Daddy and I bought you a jumperoo a week ago and you love it! Your toes just barely reach the floor, but that doesn't stop you from happily bouncing and wiggling all over the place. You also love to explore in the walker nanna and grandpa bought you for Christmas. I can hardly believe that at 4 months old you are so active and strong!
I still love waking you up in the morning (when I get a chance to) and seeing you all cute and swaddled. You look like a glow worm because you get both of your hands out and only your lower body is swaddled. Sometimes we even go in there and you have flipped positions in your crib! I think you will be crawling in less than 2 months.
It goes without saying that everyone who sees you loves you: even strangers at the mall who laugh and say how cute you are in your baby sunglasses in the front-carrier on your daddy!
I can't wait to see how you are going to change in the next month, but if I can make one request: don't grow up too fast!
Love always,
(Pictures to follow later)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Pictures from the past two weeks - enjoy!