So, after seeing this and realizing that I had clinical that day, and the next day, and realizing that meant we would not be able to do IUI as planned, I was upset, but not as upset as I would have expected I would be. Maybe this was God trying to tell me something?
Then I started thinking about how we had "done the deed" Tuesday night, which would have been perfect timing for natural conception. Just in case, though, we "did the deed" Thursday night as well. I am glad I remember these two nights, because I know that one of them created this miracle we are about to welcome into our family.
So, I really didn't give it much thought after that. My friends, as usual, asked the same "do you think you're pregnant?" questions, and then last Friday at clinical I was nauseated most of the day... and this past Monday I was starving and craving weird salty things, like chicken noodle soup, to which my co-worker said "you are SO pregnant!" (Note: she has said this every month for the past few months, lol) to which I just rolled my eyes.
Fast forward to Tuesday morning. I had class from 8:00-12:00 so I got up at 6:20ish to take a quick shower. Jimmy usually leaves with his carpool around 6:30. I wasn't due for my period until Thursday (tomorrow) but for some reason I wanted to do a pregnancy test. So, I pulled out my wonderful Dollar Store test (best value ever) and did my thing. I proceeded to do stuff around the bathroom in preparation of my shower, and glanced at the test out of the corner of my eye and thought "man, I really hate seeing negatives, why do I do this to myself?" I decided to give it another minute before looking. If any moment in my life has taken my breath away, it was the moment I looked at that test and saw "something".

I had NEVER seen a second line on a test, and this one was very faint, but it was there. I grabbed the test, started hyperventilating, ran out into the family room where Jimmy was standing watching TV and eating his breakfast, and said "I'm going to pass out!" and ran into the hall where the bright light was on. Jimmy followed me. I asked him if he saw what I saw, and he said "yeah, it's really light though" and I said "that doesn't matter!! It's because it's early. OH MY GOD! I'M PREGNANT!" and of course I started crying, Jimmy got a huge smile on his face, and I called my mother straight away (who FREAKED OUT. I thought she was going to hyperventilate, too!) Unfortunately this is the time Jimmy's carpool arrived, so we only had about a minute to share together. I called everyone I could think to call after he left (Jimmy wanted to call his mom, so I left that one to him even though it was killing me!) I took my shower, and since I had to pee again when I got out I decided to take the last Dollar Store test I had:

Soooo, I had decided I couldn't go to school this excited, and decided instead to go to Walgreens to get some digital pregnancy tests for confirmation. I bought four (yes, 4) digital pregnancy tests and went to my parent's house. The first one was a Clearblue Digital, which quickly said "pregnant!" I don't have a picture of this one, it's at my mom's house. But I later took a First Response Digital and it said:

I took another First Response Digital this morning, which also said yes. Then tonight, like a crazy person, I had Jimmy crack open the digital tests so I could see the line progression (to make sure my HCG pregnancy hormone was rising adequately... and it is!)
The one on top is from the Clearblue digital, the first digital I took. The second one from the top is the First Response digital I took yesterday, and the last one on the bottom is the First Response digital I took this morning... notice how much darker the line is!! That means the baby is growing!
So, in conclusion, even though I knew the whole time that God was in control and had a plan for us, this really is nothing short of a miracle. We did it ALL ON OUR OWN! I feel so accomplished and am believing Phillipians 1:6 right now... "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
We are so blessed.
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