Thursday, March 4, 2010


I am trying to be better about updating my blog now that I have something positive to update about :o) However, I have been extremely tired lately, to the point where I go to bed about an hour and a half earlier every night than I used to, and take a nap for at least an hour every day when I get home. I can't function at night and get anything done if I don't have my nap. So, along with fatigue comes no energy to update my blog! I like the idea of documenting the way I feel though so that one day our baby can see how much we wanted him/her and how happy we were to finally get to this point!

So, lately I have been feeling scared about losing the baby. I have felt that way since day one, but I read a message board online for expectant mothers and it always breaks my heart and worries me when I see a post about someone who had a miscarriage. Also, my sister Heather had a miscarriage about a year ago. She started bleeding at about 12 weeks and went into the doctor, and after seeing the doctor they told her she was most likely miscarrying, gave her some progesterone and told her to go home and stay in bed until Monday (this happened on a Saturday) when she could come into the office and get an ultrasound. When she got there on Monday, the tech did the ultrasound, was silent looking in her uterus for about 10 minutes, then went to leave the room, telling her that the doctor would be in soon. Before he left, he paused, turned around and said "and I'm sorry, but I didn't see a heart beat." Turns out the baby had died at 9 weeks, and had been dead inside her for 3 and a half weeks. It was so devastating for her. Anyway, a lot of people seem to miscarry around 8 weeks, so I will be relieved when I start my 9th week, but I know I'm not fully out of the woods until the beginning of week 13. Although honestly, I truly feel inside that everything is fine, but so far being pregnant has been very scary and nerve wracking for me. I just have to stay calm and positive and eat healthy and not strain myself too much.

In other news, I have my 4th test on Monday and a paper due as well. After that I just have 2 more exams, then the HESI exam, then spring break, then we do our final HESI Exit exam, and we start Role Transformation. May 3rd can't come soon enough! Maybe I will finally get some quality sleep :o)

My husband is doing really well in the police academy. He has made several friends and seems to be enjoying himself. It's crazy to think about all the changes that have happened with us in the past 2 months. It was hard adjusting there for a few weeks, but I feel pretty calm and happy, and I think he does, too. He is excited about the baby, and extremely happy that we didn't have to spend money doing IUI or in vitro, lol. I love my husband. He makes every day happier and funnier. I can't wait to see how he is with his own newborn baby. Should be some very funny and interesting days!

2010 is going to be the best year yet. Jimmy gets his first "real" job. I graduate from nursing school, hopefully get my RN license, and hopefully get my first RN job. Then, we have a baby! I love that the baby will be here before the holidays. This will be the best Thanksgiving and Christmas ever!

Until next time...

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