Getting a little belly!
How far along? 11 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 2 lbs. from pre-pregnancy (i.e., gained backed the 3 lbs I lost, plus 2lbs, lol)
Maternity clothes? Wearing maternity jeans just because I can and they are comfy :o)
Sleep: Some nights great, some nights bad
Best moment this week: Finding baby's heartbeat with my doppler :o)
Movement: Sometimes at night I can feel bubbles
Food cravings: Anything and everything. I know this is cliche, but I love pickles!
Gender: Don't know yet! We are thinking it's a girl (both me and Jimmy) but everyone else says boy
Labor Signs: No way!
Belly Button in or out? Still in obviously, lol
What I miss: Drinking obscene amounts of Mountain Dew (I must admit, I have had a couple in the past few weeks!)
What I am looking forward to: Our next ultrasound a week from Wednesday!
Weekly Wisdom: "You could jump up and down the whole pregnancy, or do bed rest the whole pregnancy, and it won't affect the outcome" - said by my doctor to reassure me that bed rest won't decrease my chances of miscarriage
Milestones: Being SO CLOSE to the end of my first trimester
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