Monday, January 18, 2010

Wow, I haven't blogged since November!

I can't believe I haven't blogged since November 20th. Although, I haven't really had much to blog about. Thanksgiving and Christmas were busy and wonderful. I finished my second to last term of nursing school and am officially in my LAST term! I am so thankful to have gotten clinical scheduled at the hospital by my house. It will save me a good 45 minutes every morning since I won't have to drive down town! This hospital is literally a 2 minute drive, and it's brand new so it's really nice, clean and upscale.

I finally started my period today. I went 93 DAYS without it! I ended up going to my wonderful doctor a week and a half ago and she was less than pleased that the medicines she prescribed weren't working. So she gave me two NEW prescriptions, one to make me have a period (it worked!) and one VERY expensive fertility medicine. I will start the medicine on "day 3" (Wednesday) and take it for 5 days. Then I have to schedule a hysterosalpinogram ("HSG") which is a procedure to make sure my fallopian tubes are clear and open (often times, this procedure alone helps a woman get pregnant... lots of crud can tend to block the tubes, and this procedure can force them open if that is the case). I will do the HSG on the 26th or 27th hopefully, depending on when I stop bleeding.

The most exciting part is that my doctor agreed that it is time to move on to IUI (intrauterine insemination) with "sperm washing" (where they centrifuge the semen to where the good sperm are at the top and then they siphon them off and insert them directly into the uterus). This is one of the only options we have since Jimmy has low morphology. Hopefully it works because it won't be cheap!

Speaking of pregnancy, my friend Sarah is due any day now (well, she isn't due until Feb. 6th, but she is already 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced... so it will literally be any day!) I am excited to meet this little guy. It is neat to have known Sarah before she even started thinking about baby #2, and now she is about the have him. Not to mention I will have a little baby to play with! It will keep me sane for a little while.

Well, that is about all I have. I am off to fill out health insurance forms with Jimmy now. He finally got into the police academy (thank God!) and is about to begin his 3rd week. That was definitely a blessing and couldn't have been timed better (he graduated with his bachelor's on December 11th). I am so proud of him and can't wait for us to BOTH be done with school! May 3rd can't come soon enough!

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