Thursday, January 24, 2013

Here we go again!

Well, in normal blogging fashion, I am going to start blogging again... but only because I am pregnant again! And I want to have just as many posts for this baby as I did for Lauryn. As most of you are aware (assuming anyone has read this blog in the past) I was diagnosed with PCOS when we were TTC our first baby. After 9 months of trying we were told the unfortunate news that I did not ovulate. I tried two rounds of clomid, which didn't work and gave me awful side effects, and then I did one round of Femara, and voila! I was pregnant after almost 1 year of trying. That pregnancy lead to a beautiful baby girl who is now a happy, health, 25-month-old.
So, we were a content family of 3. I'm not sure if I posted about this before, but my husband started law school in the Fall of 2011 and I started a new job in June of 2012. We bought a new house in February of 2012, which I still need to post pictures of. My new insurance with my new job became effective August 1st, 2012 and I quickly learned that, because I work for a Catholic hospital, they do not cover birth control through our health insurance. So I was paying $60 per month for birth control that I felt I didn't need anyway, since we tried for a year to get pregnant the last time before it actually happened, and that was with medicine to make me ovulate! So by the end of September I had had enough... I stopped taking the birth control. I didn't get a period for 52 days after stopping the pill. After that was this most recent cycle. I was schedule for a tonsillectomy for this coming Monday, January 28th, and as of last Thursday, January 17th, I still hadn't had a period and it had been 64 days, and I did NOT want to be on my period during my tonsillectomy recovery, so I called my OB/GYN and she called in some Provera to help my period start. The nurse asked if I had taken a pregnancy test, to which I replied "Yes, several over the past 64 days, the last one being a week ago, all negative." So she called the prescription in. The next morning, Lauryn climbed into bed with me, and I got up to use the bathroom. I had one pregnancy test left and decided to take it, just to be sure I wasn't pregnant, before starting the Prevara. I set the test on the bathroom counter and went about my morning, making breakfast for me and Lauryn. Jimmy was getting ready for work. About 30 minutes had passed, I forgot all about the test, and I went into the bathroom to get something and saw it on the counter and thought, "oh, I forgot about this, I should throw it away before Lauryn gets to it." I picked it up and about fell over when I looked at it. It was like deja vu: there, right before my eyes, was a faint line, much like the one I saw exactly 2 years and 11 months ago.
I ran out into the kitchen where my husband was, and started crying. I believe my first words were, "shit just got real!" Haha. I don't know why that's what popped out of my mouth, but it did. So we both stared at the test in amazement. Apparently we were more fertile than we thought! I called my mom, then the doctor, then my mom again, then my sister, then my dad, then my good friend. I was in shock. I was shaking. How could I, this supposedly infertile, non-ovulating woman, be pregnant? And after less than 3 months off the pill? And after only having had sex TWICE in the past month due to busy schedules, being out of town, illness, etc.? I had a doctor's appointment Monday where they did an ultrasound to determine how far along I was since my LMP was 11-15-12. They didn't see anything other than a thickening, brightening endometrium and a Corpus Luteum on my right ovary. The OB/GYN I saw was new, and she told me "I'm calling this a normal vs abnormal pregnancy. We need to do blood work over the next couple of days to make sure your pregnancy hormone is rising." She really had me worried sick, so over the past couple days I have taken at least 20 pregnancy tests at various times to make sure the lines get darker. Yesterday morning this is what I saw:
Yes, that's right, the "pregnant" line is darker than the "control" line! And then today, they called with my beta results: Monday at 11:30am my beta was 148. Yesterday morning at 7:30am (less than 48 hours later) my beta was 399! This number is supposed to double every 48 to 72 hours, so I think it's safe to say we have a healthy, thriving embryo in there ;o) More posts to come!

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