Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Morning sickness and mood swings

My poor husband. I have felt so sick the past few days, and I think the morning sickness coupled with the pregnancy hormones have been giving me awful mood swings. I flipped out on Sunday and started crying about something so minor. Even as I was crying and complaining through my tears, I KNEW I was being ridiculous. I guess he felt bad about it though because he came home from the grocery store with flowers. Such a sweet guy (most of the time, lol).

It's funny how I went for a few weeks without any symptoms aside from sore breasts and having to pee a lot. Now I wake up every morning and think I will vomit before I make it to the bathroom. Crazy thing is... I have yet to vomit! I just get really nauseated, but by the time I get up and get to the bathroom it is a little better, and then after I drink some water and take a couple bites of something, it gets even better. I feel nauseated through most of the day, but I am getting used to it now. I am glad to have these feelings because it reassures me that everything is OK.

I need to post a new survey. I would have done them every week but there is really nothing new, so I think I will do it every 4 weeks until things really start progressing. So, I will post one at 9 weeks, which is only 1 week away now! :o) I realized the other day that on my birthday, April 1st (4-1) I will be 1/4 of the way through my pregnancy (10 weeks)!!! 4-1 and 1/4. Crazy. And on my birthday! I feel so blessed to have made it to 8 weeks without any problems. I think most women miscarry by 8 weeks, although I realize I am not out of the woods until the end of the 12th week.

We get our next ultrasound on April 14th. It is called a nuchal translucency scan where they check for genetic abnormalities. I know we are too young so it is pointless for us, but it was offered to me and I can't pass up the opportunity to see our baby! Unfortunately Jimmy can't go with because they are doing special training in April that he can't miss. However, my mom is VERY excited about going with me. She wanted to go to the first one but Jimmy and I decided it was something we wanted to do alone. It just stinks because the baby will actually LOOK like a baby at this next ultrasound and be moving around and stuff, and he will miss that :o(. Oh well. As long as he can go to the 18 week scan where we find out if it's a boy or a girl!

Well, this was a very boring, pointless post. Hopefully I will have more exciting things to talk about next time.

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