Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I have been feeling soooo sick lately. I finally threw up the other night, my poor husband was there holding my hair back. It was nonstop! I assume the baby didn't like what I had for dinner, because I haven't thrown up since (although I have come close). It's funny because earlier that same day I was telling someone that I hadn't really had much morning sickness, and they said "you're having a boy!!" because supposedly if you are having a boy, you don't get much morning sickness, but if you are having a girl you are sick all the time. I don't think I believe that though because my friend Sarah was violently ill with both of her pregnancies... one girl and one boy. Then there is the whole speculation that boys attach on the right side of the uterus and girls attach on the left side. Well, I am pretty sure our baby is attached on the right, but I will confirm that at my next ultrasound (which was supposed to be April 14th but I had to move it to April 21st due to clinical). Either way, I will be happy with a boy or a girl! Can't wait to find out in 9 weeks!

Speaking of clinical, we finished our LAST clinical last Thursday... now we just have Role Transformation which is basically a glorified clinical, but we don't have to do careplans or anything... we just show up and shadow a nurse for seven different 12 hour shifts. I hope I can survive with the way I have been feeling. We don't start that for another 3 weeks though.

I am so excited about spring break! I took off Thursday and Friday of that week (first week of April) because my brother will be in town, and I just need a break. It will be nice to not have any homework, although I will be studying for our LAST exam. It's a big one, cumulative over all of nursing school and we have to get an 85% or better. Scary!

Well, that is all for now. I am 9 weeks pregnant tomorrow so I will be posting a 9-week survey complete with a picture. I think my stomach is bigger, but it's probably just fat, lol.

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