Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I am going to have a nervous breakdown before this pregnancy is over!

I had the BIGGEST scare of my life today. It started yesterday at 4:30ish when I was on my way home from work. I started having discomfort/pain in my lower abdomen but couldn't figure out if I was going to have diarrhea, or if it was uterine cramping. So I hurried home and went to the bathroom... no blood. The cramping got worse as the night progressed, and I thought for sure something was wrong... but by the time I went to bed at 11:30 I still hadn't had any bleeding, even though the cramps were still there.

Well, at 2:30AM I woke up and felt like I'd peed the bed. I went to the bathroom and there was a LOT of blood in my underwear and even more came out in the toilet. I screamed for Jimmy, told him I thought I was miscarrying, and he took me to the ER (which is luckily a quick 2 minute drive). I called my parents who met us at the hospital. We all sat and prayed while we waited for them to take me back, which luckily didn't take but 30 minutes. They did an ultrasound right away, and the tech kept telling me that legally she wasn't allowed to say anything since she was just a tech, that she just took the pictures and the radiologist would interpret and tell me the results. At one point she turned the sound on and I heard a heartbeat, and started crying and asked "is that my heartbeat or the baby's???" and she said "it's yours, it's the blood supply to the ovary. Why are you crying? Are you in pain or are you worried?" and I said "I'm worried" and she paused, turned to me and said very sternly "you are worrying for NOTHING" which I took as her subtle, legal way of telling me everything looked good. A few seconds later she said "the baby is still there, in your uterus, with a heartbeat" and I started crying and asked "what is it measuring?" and she said "9 weeks and 4 days" which is perfect, because that is how far I am. Then she kept taking pictures and I didn't like the silence so I asked "what are you looking at now?" and she said "I'm just trying to get the heartbeat, but the baby is moving around so much I can't get it!" and I said "oh,I wish I could see!" so she turned the screen so I could see... most beautiful thing ever. It looks SO different from the first ultrasound. It had arms, legs, a head, a nose... it was a little miniature baby, moving its legs and arms and wiggling.

So after that I went back to my ER room and told everyone the good news. I was still concerned about WHY I was bleeding if the baby was ok, and the doctor came in about an hour later (longest hour of my life) and said it was a subchorionic hemorrhage which is basically trapped blood under the placenta that found its was out and irritated my uterus so that it would be expelled. He said blood is very irritating to the uterus which caused the cramping. They did blood work and found that my HCG was 139,000, which is AMAZING, and then he did a pelvic exam to make sure my cervix was closed and it was. He also said there were no signs of "active bleeding" on the ultrasound and all he saw during the pelvic exam was old blood.

I have never been so scared or stressed out in all my life. I thought I was losing the most precious gift I have ever been given, and I am so thankful everything is ok. Poor Jimmy was so tired, and left around 5:30 since we knew the baby was ok and he had to go to work. I called him after they did the other exams and tests to tell him everything was ok. They released me at 7:30 and told me to take it easy today, get rest, so after my parents took me out to breakfast I came home and slept until 1:00pm. I am feeling pretty good right now and hope everything stays ok. I am worried because some things I read about subchorionic hemorrhage says it increases your chance of miscarriage if it hemorrhages in the first trimester... but I am staying positive!

If everyone who reads this could just keep us in your prayers I would appreciate it! I hope this is the last scary thing to happen during this pregnancy.

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