Tuesday, September 7, 2010

33 week appointment today - exciting news

We're having twins!

Just kidding! lol. We are NOT having twins... but my doctor did inform me that due to the gestational diabetes, she will be inducing me at 37 or 38 weeks... so, in other words, Jimmy and I will be parents in FOUR or FIVE weeks! We will get to choose the day of the week to be induced on, and my husband prefers a Thursday due to his class and work schedule, and that way I would be discharged on Saturday and we would have the weekend together. So, we are looking at Thursday, October 7th (37 weeks) or Thursday, October 14th (38 weeks). We will be having a "growth scan" (ultrasound that determines how much the baby weighs) at 36 weeks and that will determine if I will be induced at 37 weeks or 38 weeks. As of right now I am measuring 31-32cm and I am 33 weeks pregnant tomorrow, so I am measuring perfectly (I should be measuring anywhere from 31cm to 35cm at 33 weeks pregnant). This means that Lauryn is not too big yet, she is measuring like a normal baby should be measuring. Everything else looked good, per my doctor (blood pressure, weight, urine, etc.). I am still holding steady at a 29 or 30lb weight gain... it fluctuates every day.

On another note, I had my baby shower last weekend. It was beautiful! We had a lot of people show up, and I had more gifts than I ever imagined I would have. It took me a good hour to open everything. Jimmy and I are so blessed with loving friends and family. We got most of the things off our registry and a lot of stuff that wasn't on our registry that we adore. All of the big items on our registry have been bought. We have $200 in gift cards that we are going to wait to use until after my baby shower at work (September 16th). I only have a couple bigger items left on the registry - our expensive baby monitors and the crib mattress - but I am almost 100% sure that a few people at work are going in on the baby monitors for us. So we will probably end up having to buy the crib mattress and a couple other items with the gift cards, but that's fine with us!

Once I get some pictures from the baby shower I will post them. I have been really bad about taking my weekly belly pictures, so tomorrow I am determined to get my 33 week belly picture and post it.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

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