Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"35 + 35"

It's funny in a surreal-sort-of-way that I am posting this post. I remember when I first heard of "35+35" while reading another girl's blog last year. What is 35+35 you ask? It is when you are 35 weeks pregnant and you coincidentally have 35 days left until your due date. I remember thinking back then "this will never be me!" Yet, here I am, 35 weeks pregnant, with 35 days until my due date, with a sweet baby girl. I cry as I type this. Maybe it's all the hormones surging through my body... or maybe it is just relief and happiness that this IS me. This is my life, and I am so thankful every day. I am thankful even on the days I complain about being uncomfortable... which is every day now, lol. Yes, pregnancy has brought on a lot of unpleasantness, like the stretch marks on my poor breasts and butt, or the swollen feet and ankles, or the bathroom trips where you think you just have to go #1, and you end up with a surprise #2 because there isn't any room in your belly (which, by the way, is literally every time I go to the bathroom now... what is up with that?)... or the heat rash on my chest, or the pimples on my shoulders... or, to sum it up, feeling just plain unattractive in every way. Bottom line is: all of this is worth it to me. I am growing life inside me, and it is just incredible!

So, today I just want to say: THANK YOU GOD! Thank you for every stretch mark, for every pimple, for every ache and pain, for every surprise poo, THANK YOU! If I can ask you for one more thing, God: you have gotten us this far safely, please get us to the end safely!

35 week picture to come later today.

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