Monday, October 11, 2010

Doc's appointment today

Well, I am back from my LAST doctor's appointment. The midwife checked me and said I was a "good 3" and then hurriedly went to talk to my doctor about my progress, so I knew something was up. She told me to get dressed and meet her in her office (side note: my husband stayed in the room while she checked my cervix... this was a first for him. He was mortified that she had a "big chunk of something" on her glove after examining me. I assume it was part of, or the rest of, my mucus plug which I have slowly been losing the past couple of days. Anyway, it was pretty funny).

So I got dressed and we met her in her office. My doctor decided to schedule me for induction this Thursday! I am making progress, but not contracting regularly, and with everything else going on medically (gestational diabetes, monitoring twice a week, swelling, general discomfort) she doesn't want to make me go past 38 weeks. So, the midwife called the hospital and has me scheduled for 6:45AM Thursday morning. I, of course, could go into labor on my own before then, but at least I know we will be seeing our beautiful baby no later than Thursday!

The part I am worried about is that I can't have ANYTHING to eat or drink past midnight on Wednesday. Lately I have been waking up dying of thirst and starving, so this should be interesting. I am hoping the nerves will make me not notice the hunger.

Anyway, if you think about it on Thursday, please say a prayer that everything goes ok. Pray that the induction is successful and that I don't end up with a c-section (my biggest fear). And most importantly, pray for a healthy baby!

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