Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Doctor's appointments update

We had our ultrasound this morning. She is so squished in there, poor baby! They looked at her brain, her heart, her bladder, hear kidneys, blood flow to several organs, blood flow through the umbilical cord, measured her head, arms, legs and belly, and then after telling me everything looked great, they punched some measurements into the computer and gave us a current estimated weight of 6lbs 12oz! Big baby! If she isn't born for another 2 weeks she will be nearly 8lbs! She also has a big head - almost 10cm which is the average measurement of an almost 38 week fetus, yet her belly is small (I can't remember what it measured, but it was the measurement of a 36 week fetus, lol). I told Jimmy she has his big head and small belly. Anyway, after the tech did the ultrasound, the doctor came in and went over everything with us... she said again that everything looked really good, and then she scanned me to look at a couple more things, and she was able to get a good picture of the baby's face, although we didn't get a print out. She is really cute! I can't wait to see her in person!

After the ultrasound the doctor wanted to do a non-stress test (NST) which is where they hook me up to the monitor for about 10 minutes to record the baby's movements compared to her heart rate. This is from americanpregnancy.com:

"The primary goal of the test is to measure the heart rate of the fetus in response to its own movements. Healthy babies will respond with an increased heart rate during times of movement, and the heart rate will decrease at rest. The concept behind a non-stress test is that adequate oxygen is required for fetal activity and heart rate to be within normal ranges. When oxygen levels are low, the fetus may not respond normally. Low oxygen levels can often be caused by problems with the placenta or umbilical cord."

Anyway, she moved a TON while I was hooked up (thank goodness, because I would have had to sit there for longer until she started moving) and she passed with flying colors!

After that appointment I went downstairs for my normal weekly prenatal appointment. Nothing major happened there... she just talked to me about the signs of labor and what to look for. They will be checking my cervix for dilation at my next appointment on Monday. They will be doing another NST then too, just to monitor her more closely now that I am so close to the end.

I love getting good news about our baby! We are SO excited that she could technically be born any day now (the baby is full-term tomorrow!) Can't wait!

I will post the ultrasound picture we got sometime today.

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